Love Truly. Absolutely. Powerful. Well. It’s Who You Are And All That Is.

Love is the greatest force in the Universe. It’s who you are and all that is.

A divine consciousness, it holds within its own Space the ability to heal, at the same time it also holds within itself the ability to destroy.

It’s not how you use it, or abuse it. Or work with it.

It’s about how you know and experience yourself within it.

And how you allow it to flow – to you, through you. And all around you.

This is Living Love.

How interesting, therefore, that so many package it and commoditize it. And then they trade it.

It then becomes conditional love.

It is the simplest fact that if you are conditional in any way with another, it’s not love.

It’s expectation.

And all expectations, as you know, are breeding grounds for disappointments.

And so each feeds upon each other, often in a sort of a feeding frenzy wherein there is no room for anything else.

It drowns you in its sorrow. And in its pain.

And it keeps you in Almost Land.

Please stop. And think.

Love is love.

Here, there is no room for anything else.

And if you are here on earth to Be Your Love, surely it’s both a responsibility and accountability to All That Is to really, truly and absolutely express it?

Surely then you love, without fear of loss?

You just love, and you keep moving forward in your love.

You don’t stop for anyone and you don’t wait for anyone.

Because, if they loved you back in the same way that you love them, they would work – hard – to keep up with you.

But, either way, whether they do or whether they don’t doesn’t much matter.

You love anyway.

And in the light of this, you stop for nothing.

You love, from deep within – the inner heart, place of Spirit – and express this far far far outside of you. To then be brought back again through the many different reflections of Life. Without condition.

Love is love is love is love.

Allow it then to arise through you. Express through you. Hold you strong and guide you. Define you too. Listen with it, work with it to create understanding.

And make a promise to yourself to never be afraid of it nor allow it to ever hold you back. These are just mind games. Learn from it. And from this place of humble Being, you create wonderful adventures. Amazing adventures. Joyful fun. And laughter.

With those who feel the unconditional joy of your Being.

Trust me – you will never regret it.

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