Meditation. Feel your Stillness.

Recorded Live.

The breath is symbolic of awareness, so we start by honouring the breath which is a way of honouring who we are. Who we are at core level is completely different from who we are at personality level. To know who you are at core level you have to feel it.

Feel how you feel in this moment.

There is no right way or no wrong way, there is just your way. Feel your feelings right here and right now.

When breath and thought in rhythm become one, you are in a space to feel your stillness and Life is good, we are giving ourselves permission to release and relax into our breath.

It’s always easier to step forward in life knowing that our choices are confirmed, and you have support. Here is a simple and short meditation for beginners to connect with your own higher guidance, by doing this practice a few times, you will be able to connect with your stillness and find your own inner space when the need arises.

Please let me know how you get on.


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