Values of Life in Community of Light. And, like Ukraine, Being Willing to Stand Up, Even Fight For Them

Creating that magical world we all want to live in mean focusing on our core values in Life: Family, Community, Tradition, History, individually and collective. And now, above all, in the light of world events, being willing to stand up for these ideals, and like Ukraine, to fight for them. For without values, Spirit tells me we have no Soul. Watch this Teaching of Light to find out more, full teaching text below:

Here we are again, a quarter of this year has passed already, time continues to move fast and we are now in a new cycle. Do you feel it, and if so, how do you feel it? Would love to hear from you.

This has been an interesting period both of transition as well as settlement of Light. Some months ago I was called by Spirit to update our website at with these words …

“In a world where community has for a great part been shattered, where conflict and entitlement appear to be the new norm, it is important to remember what is really important.

And this is to know yourself as Love, your Ultimate Being. To express your Self as Love, in all ways, always too is your greatest gift to our world.

Yes, there is such a magical world. It exists, as does the whole of the universe – within you”

In the last few lines there, I also wrote that … You get “there” by being curious, or willing, enough to step in. Explore to bring the inside out. And keep exploring”

What I want to say here is that this is still relevant, however, with a small change of words.

So now, in the light of recent events, I want to tell you this …

You get “there” by now being willing enough to step into yourself and define your values. Explore to bring these from inside you, to outside you.

With Russia having invaded Ukraine, what we are seeing consistently is a people who are not just willing to stand up for their values, they are willing to fight for them.

What I hear so much throughout is the main value people are now willing to stand up for is that of family. Community. Safety for their families, and especially safety for their children. Feeding into these, rather than taking from. And supporting each one to do their best in so doing.

In this community, our values are based on Love, Light that is really Wisdom application of our values, and humanity. Simple as that. And if you are watching this, it means that you answered our recent Call of Spirit to stay connected at any level.

I know, because I have worked with all of you, and I have known many of you too now for very, very many years is that despite being either the recipient of huge injustice, or witness to such, Love remains your core value,otherwise we wouldn’t have come so far together.

“Our values form the core of our Soul – Spirit tells me that without values that you believe in, you have no Soul”.

So now, at a time when the values of family and community of our civilisation is being attacked once again by those who are driven by the Shadow, there are a few things you can do.

The first is to know your top three values. These are frequencies of Light, and whenever you touch upon them as concepts, you connect with and then hold strong these frequencies, they become you, you become them… what is most important that these energies……. aspects of conscious awareness…….. are transmitted around you and eventually they all join together, irrespective of where in the world you are.

You see, this is not just an attack on Ukraine… it’s a copy paste of all the attacks on all the various communities of families around the world, in my and your lifetime and before.

And these become increasingly difficult to witness. In our hearts too in the Oneness of Life, an attack on one is essentially an attack on all of us.

So now, we need to be working more determinedly on changing this trajectory so that this stops in our lifetime, as our legacy to our children. And their families and so on. To make this world once again a safe space for everyone, and beyond this too…. that magical world we all love, that we all seek and want to bring, from inside to out.

Life is never about quick fixes, it is though about devotion and discipline to those principles and values that are meaningful to us all.

Let me know how you get on, love to hear from you what you are doing as your part of this consciousness shift.

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