Tag: Nature of Mind
Definition of What is Consciousness and Your Role in Harnessing Full Potential Towards the Light
Spirit tells me that space, and consciousness, are One and the same. Please watch this short, yet powerful Teaching of Light about how All consciousness…
Community Connector. Your Contribution Towards Resetting Current Turbulent Karmic Rebalance: Sending Love to the Planetary Grid. It Works….. Here’s How
Please step into this impactful Teaching of Light to understand deeper how sending energy to everyone for the highest good is a straightforward way to…
Values of Life in Community of Light. And, like Ukraine, Being Willing to Stand Up, Even Fight For Them
Creating that magical world we all want to live in mean focusing on our core values in Life: Family, Community, Tradition, History, individually and collective.…
Practice Group: Where are you headed now?
Gather the Light. Practice and Study Group
Live Your Own Magical Life. And Bring Through Finally That (Desired) Magical World
I’ve heard from many of you on a spiritual journey how isolated you sometimes (often) feel. Lonely, too, at times. It’s as though your experiences…
Q&A – Where Can I Invest My Energy
Meditation. Expanding Your Inner Space
Your intuition is your communication from the Heart, the Voice of your Soul. It assists you to express the information of knowledge gained through intellect…
Practice. Finding Your Path to Peace.
Recorded Live. In this Teaching and Practice, we follow the Path to Peace. The key is to move forward and not look back to how…