Relationships – Bring the Magic Back

If there’s one topic in Spirituality that’s the best interesting one, it’s about relationships! These define who we are and all that is, yet in the simplest form so many of us give ourselves away in relationships, we lose ourselves in order to gain something back.
However we plan, whatever we know, howsoever practiced, mature, experienced what-what-what we are or can be, these can be amongst the most challenging of anything in our lifetime.
At simplest level, we relate with ourselves, reflected. How we project comes from who we are, or who we believe ourselves to be. And most of all acknowledging that we are just fine the way we are, grumpty warts and all, or not.
Magical relationships start when we let go of expectations, be ourselves and just enjoy the ride, either with ourselves or with passengers on our side, for shared experiences either to have fun or to ride the waves together. To be in this space with someone, something special takes commitment, time and practice. And it’s a shifting carpet along the way.
After all, we all speak the same language, that of humans, being together.
Click on the recording below to get some insights to help you along your way.
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