In the magical light of both full moon and new moon energy, this Progression is taken from live teachings given by Anna Hughes in her Sacred Woman Wisdom Circle. They encompass the power of energy taken in the moment.
Women’s space is both dynamic and a space of deepest knowing.
Of movement and light, as evoked by the full moon, and of silence and darkness, as invoked by the new moon. Two parts of one whole, that signify and symbolise – You.
In this current cycle, as energy opens up, change must be done with Love in order for it to have any meaning that is different from previous cycles. It is women, such as you who will make the most change.
Women Walking the Wisdom Path – in this way the change will be permanent. And real.
In this series of meditations and teachings, you will:
- Re-awaken from ‘whatever’ have been your moments of material Life during this recent period;
- Re-activate the Love that you essentially are – and move from this space into a more fertile space of who you are going to be for the next cycle of your earth walk;
- Take action to turn your vision into living potential. Service. Work. Business. Life in totality;
- Heal betrayal – clear it, leave it behind you rather than walking alongside you, or in front of you
All from the heart of your gentle, quiet reconnection with Self – female heart. Moments of turmoil in the wider world around us during recent period remain purely as backdrop to your ongoing Journey of Soul, next step of regeneration, rejuvenation, and now more fully at ease with yourself.