Meet Our Inspirational Photographers.

You’ll have seen over the years how all my work has always been illuminated by inspiriational art in the form of photos. Each picture in its own way evokes magick and tells it’s own story, connect you with a specific awareness – or energy – sometimes too they ask a question that you take away with you, ponder under the surface of life and all designed to keep you (or even bring you back) to an inner space of a gentle being withing yourself.
Here’s who they are >>
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Ambros Strolz in Lech, Austria. My inspiration of photography is to catch the beauty of the moment. Right often depending just on a right filter to give en-lighten a daily scene and see it s uniqueness. With open eyes I always have a chance to look around and find a scene, an object or just a little little detail which then catches my attention. As I often have my cellphone with me, I use it daily and after some months design a printed phonebook for that special moments to remember. Kind of a visual diary and at the same time to digest my past.
It all comes from my relation with spirit, as “I AM” in every moment. And as beauty, truth, life and spirit in me are very much the same I enjoy the creativity. Spirit is part of my daily life. Every second. Such a gift for me if looking at my pictures I can share my view and/or inspire you.
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Gaye Ford, traveling our beautiful world. I am a Sydneysider, a couple of years ago, my partner and I decided to follow a dream we always had, to travel and explore our wonderful planet. So that’s where you’ll find us, on the road. One of my greatest joys is being immersed in culture and listening to peoples’ stories particularly stories relating to strength of the human spirit. Photography like Anna’s work encourages me to observe from a different perspective. One of my favourite places to be is in nature, it gives me the opportunity to take a deep breath and explore from different angles.
For me, photography is a little like life, sometimes you need to adjust your focus and take the time to really look at whatever it is that is holding your attention for that moment with an macro eye and at other times refocus on a wider angle or the bigger picture.
Joyita Bandyopadhyay. I am Joyful Joyita, residing in the beautiful country of Singapore, in transition to US. Spirit has been with me in different forms ever since I can remember, guiding me & carrying me along to know who I truly am. I am ever grateful to the Nazareine & other masters who have been with me & shown me the magnificent & wondrous light that I Am. I am so very lucky to have Anna as my teacher & for the continuous nurturing that makes me explore the depths of my being.
Intertwined are our destinies, interconnected are we in the Wisdom group. Thanks to Anna & the Nazareine for bringing us together in this circle of light.
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Mina Ficarra in Melbourne. Hi, I’m Mina. In each photo is the essence of that moment, becoming what remains, long after the moment has passed. It’s through these images that I remember. And its through sharing them that I express my point of view, invite others to experience the beauty that I see in their own way.
Photography asks and answers some of the questions that I have explored while I travel along my spiritual path. What grabs my attention? What will my focus be? How does the picture change when I change position and alter my perspective? It shows me how there is balance in the contrast between the light and the dark and more than anything else when a scene captures my imagination, puts a smile on my face or takes my breath away………..I am reminded to stop, pause for a bit and breath it in. Some of the questions that I have explored while I travel along my spiritual path. What grabs my attention? What will my focus be? How does the picture change when I change position and alter my perspective? It shows me how there is balance in the contrast between the light and the dark and more than anything else when a scene captures my imagination, puts a smile on my face or takes my breath away………..I am reminded to stop, pause for a bit and breath it in.
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The late Voula Tsangarides. Vou came to me with stage four breast cancer. After being told she had one year to live we went to work together with the healing and she defied everyone and everything by living a further seven. We shared the same sense of humour, laughed a lot, broke many rules together and became really really great friends.
When she finally crossed over she had achieved her dream of becoming an inspirational photographer, exhibiting first at my early OneTouch Inspiration conferences and exhibitions, then at other venues including the UN in Nicosia, Cyprus. She left all her photos to me and we still use them today. Her spirit lives on through these and wonderful memories too. |