Sacred Woman Moon represents the female aspect of Spirit. Intensely primal, exotic, you explore yourself through material light to access that part of you that is pure feminine wisdom, aligned with both Nature and earth based conscious awareness. Sacred Mother, Earth Mother, Mother Nature – both inner and environmental – to plumb and express the depths of your essential Being.
Spirit has called us this Moon Retreat to return to you sacred stillness.
In this space is your highest value of Self be experienced, deeply, truly and wholeheartedly.
Recognition that is only then revealed from your deepest, most intimate inner space, seen, felt and known as natural progression of Being – of All that you have experienced in the overall flow of the journey of your Life.
This Life.
And from this vantage point you feel more trust because you know, deep down, that you embody your Truth. From this place therefore your next step arises.
With you now in safe harbour, our Circle too now uplifts from one order to another, one cycle to the next.
Opportunity too to relate with and express differently this powerful women’s work, weave together with deliberate intent the worlds of chaos, order in nature both internal and external. Most of all to affirm yourself deeper, truer, more intimately as Daughter of the Divine Feminine, Voice of Love in Nature.
You must be a member of Sacred Woman Moon Wisdom Circle to participate! Step in here.