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Circle Of Healing

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  1. Welcome to the Circle Of Healing
  2. Healing Chamber - Integration Practices

    Healing Space-full Pain
    5 Units
  3. Rebalancing Impact-full Emotions
    11 Units
  4. Living Peace
    12 Units
  5. Sending Healing
    9 Units
  6. Activating Love
    13 Units
  7. Magic of the Body and Connection With The Universe.
    12 Units
  8. Cosmic Interdimensionality of the Human Chakra System
    24 Units
  9. Trilogy of Light. Healing Family into Unity
    7 Units
  10. Teaching Library
    Teachings Library
    28 Units
  11. Raising Consciouness
    16 Units
Module 11, Unit 14
In Progress

14. Call to Spirit. Simply Be Your Love

Module Progress
0% Complete

It’s already a year that’s started full of Love, purely because you’re here, and you’re being.

Being your Self.

In this Practice we call upon the sacred invocation, which is the basis of All Life. I Am, I Am That I Am, I Am All That Is. And so, it is.

A way of acknowledging yourself as Creative Space, and of course to set up determination of this Creative Space for this next cycle around the sun.

The sacred invocation I Am is purely about you. Self. Being.

Your vibration as soul source in your awareness of Life, here and now.

Here and now you’re setting the tone of this, your next cycle around the sun.

Your vibration is your frequency, and by connecting to it, and by living awareness of this, you are pre-determining already the tone of your experiences to come.

The focus is on your Love, in the same way that placing a magnifying glass onto anything, with the sunlight shining through, increases its velocity.

You just focus on it by feeling it. You just feel your Love.

Love is a feeling, more important, it’s the awareness of this feeling, Because by being in this awareness, it becomes, it actually is – your Presence, that everyone else feels.

Everything else too – because if you’re gardening, or cooking, this vibration – this frequency – connects with the plants and whatever food you’re cooking.
In fact, it becomes whatever it is that you’re doing.

Because Love is who you are and how you feel, rather than what you do.

Both the 8am and 10am Community Gatherings are following. Feel the energy to resonate which one you would like to do, or please do both, as you know the more you listen the more layers you discover.

Would love to hear your ponderings.

1. 8AM Gathering

2. 10AM Gathering