Meditation. Reconnecting with Self.
Hidden Gem Series. Surrender Allows for Whatever to Arise.
Intuitive Healing. Feel Your Love and Peace by Being in your Own Space
Q&A – In the last Channeling, the topic of leaving behind your identity was raised for consideration. Haven’t we worked all our life/lives to create our identity? Why do we need to leave it behind?
Q&A – I feel like fear is running my life and stops me from doing many things. How can I supress these feelings of fear?
Supermoon Practice from January 31st 2018.
The (He)Art of Inner Peace
What If You Are Really Nothing? And That You Are Already ‘There’? Third in a Series of Three Supermoon Practices.
Short and Dynamic Practice (5mins) to Review Your Year and Chart Your Growth.
Here’s something for you to review your year and to see everything in context. Challenging it may undoubtedly have been in some ways, intriguing in…
Practice. Re-Membrance into Peace. Creating More Space in Which To Feel and Send Love.
This weekend is about Remembrance. It’s dedicated to those who gave so much in war, so that the rest may have peace. Conflict continues in…