Hidden Gem – Choose Life, Choose Hope and Choose Joy
A Moment with Anna. Moving on With Life in Love.
A question arose recently on how they could make someone/ everyone see things the way they do. The answer is why would you want something…
Meditation. Feel How you Feel when You Love.
Sunset Over the Acropolis – With Love from Robert
Acropolis. Sacred space. Connection to the Light through the Sun, in this instance sun that is setting, preparing for a new day of adventure in…
Conversations with Anna. What would Love Do Next?
When was the last time you felt Love? Love flows when you feel like you don’t have to defend against anything, when people are being…
Conversations With Anna. How Do You Diffuse Fear?
Anna explores the topic of Fear in this month’s conversation. You can choose to look at fear from a restrictive point of view or you…
Meditation – Celebrating Each Other’s Gifts
Love is Who You Are and All That is. And as you are Love so is everyone else. Most people cannot see themselves and do…
Meditation. Nothing Matters Unless You Make It Matter.
Recorded Live. Love is a frequency. Join Anna in this community meditation, listen as she guides you to connect to this energy of Love, of…
Hidden Gem – Stand in The Light of All That Is.
Moving Forward With Only One Question To Ask Yourself…..
Imagine this. Everything that you’ve ever done, every choice that you’ve ever made, has brought you to this point. And it’s all be relevant and…