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Jun 22

The Nazareine Speaks at Solstice. Living Your Intuitive Self is Love In Action. Community of Light.

June 22, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 9:00 am BST

Love heals. And love grows.  It is especially Who You Are, intuitive expressive aspect of All That Is.

Living the Teachings of Spirit: how do they make you feel? How do they make your Life more intuitive?

How have you actualised these to overcome limitation, what anchors your confidence and what do you value most in your life, now?

And especially, how – what – have you grown?

As your Circle continues its forward momentum now expanding Light outwards, The Nazareine invites you to pause, and reflect.

To intuit who you have become, where you are now headed and how you are now spreading magick in your world?

Because in the unconditionnal knowing and therefore unconditional acceptance of this, your Ultimate Connection with Spirit, which is really Love, you grow this. Very intuitively and therefore very naturally.

Please step into Circle with your response.

Look forward, with so much, as always. Ax


June 22, 2024
8:00 am - 9:00 am BST


Anna Hughes