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Nov 2

Sacred Woman Moon. Living Through the Lens of Love. The Women Return to the Well

November 2, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 9:00 am GMT

Sacred Woman Moon represents the female aspect of Spirit. Intensely primal, exotic, you explore yourself through material light to access that part of you that is pure feminine wisdom, aligned with both Nature and earth based conscious awareness. Sacred Mother, Earth Mother, Mother Nature – both inner and environmental – to plumb and express the depths of your essential Being.

Beloved Sacred Woman,

You are called to Circle once again in cycle of connection through the moon.

Share yourself living your loving power, feminine grace gathered together around the Well of Wisdom, holder of those most ancient secrets of Life important to you, all of us.

Open to the Sacred Uterus, your deepest space of creative expression, from which your inner voice arises as echo from Divine Mother.

Here, you continuously birth new realities, ongoing transformation for yourself and your loved ones, in joyful inspiration of your focus always creating, always inspiring, deep relating through and of your inner heart, your ultimate, always, aspiration.

Soul connection that defines you as a Daughter of the Divine Feminine, your essence. In Love.

Always Love. Ax


When you feel an inner call to step into Sacred Woman Moon Wisdom Circle, please contact Anna.




November 2, 2024
8:00 am - 9:00 am GMT


Anna Hughes