Sacred Woman Moon represents the female aspect of Spirit. Intensely primal, exotic, you explore yourself through material light to access that part of you that is pure feminine wisdom, aligned with both Nature and earth based conscious awareness. Sacred Mother, Earth Mother, Mother Nature – both inner and environmental – to plumb and express the depths of your essential Being.
Beloved Sacred Woman,
Another step into the sacred mysteries of Life.
I Am, Daughter of the Divine Feminine.
Light Shines through me, you, All That Is as you continue to seek to invoke passion into your life, make sense of the sense-less and continue to allow your feeling values to flow out, nourish our families and therefore all society.
We continue with the inner fertility work, our Circle a part of a larger Circle, Divine Mother all abundant with the sacred inner self where Life is circular rather than linear. You bring together sacred uterus, sacred ovaries that are shaped like the moon, and sacred menstrual flow, “Blood of Life” and all its connection with your inner cosmos and physical body.
Many other circles too ….. made of stones, chakras, stars. All things glistening, calling our attention to that space of centred Stillness in our always quest towards what-is, within.
And anything, everything magical connected with All That Is the female aspect of Spirit, the deepest feeling feminine that is balanced to the inner supportive masculine in this, your river of Life.
As always, lots of vision work, value of intuitive uplift, releasing and returning to peace, harmony and Love through your Soul, knowing.
I’ll talk to you on Sunday, all details are sent to you, and send to you all my forever love in meanwhile. Anna x
If you’re not yet a member of Sacred Woman Moon Wisdom Circle, please contact Anna to discuss your journey in this Light.