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Oct 1

Circle of Healing Light. Layer Four of Cosmic Interdimensionality of the Human Chakra System. Love in Bodily Light

October 1, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 8:45 am BST

The Circle of Healing is for you who wish to explore the sacred connection between the energetic and material bodies. Your spiritual journey within this light is to promote self-healing through the body’s own essential innate wisdom and its forever connection with All That Is Life, both immaterial and material.

It is also for you who choose to open-heartedly serve by bringing through Compassionate Healing Love to support others in their personal Soul journeys.

Your fourth wonderful layer of your Cosmic Gathering into Spirit immerses you into the depths of your spiritual heart. That forever part of you that is fulcrum of the material world (first three chakras) and the yet-to-become-material world (top three chakras).

You. Living Enigma of Consciousness, unmoving Stillness, that yet also moves through your body as material form of Spirit. With everything forming and reforming yet at the same time remaining in its own forever space, you start to realise how much your quality of Life is determined by how much you love, and are loved.

You, Thinker of the Thought, Truth apportioned by understanding-justification that makes it conditional or Unconditional, does the Love follow? Or does it “start” and therefore set and “end” space?

Today, you move from Light of Third Chakra awareness. Will of Inner Heart and basis of Creative Love, into movement of heart, through which you feel, therefore think and act.

Focus on Love, that always returns you to love, therefore to grow more love.

Talk to you soon, look forward in the always light of love.

About 40mins together at both 8am and 5pm London time, then time for you to integrate.

Love, always, Anna x


PS! Feel an inner call to share healing love? Please step in here….. we’d love to have you. As you grow, Spirit grows. And as Spirit grows, Love grows. That is All That Is.


October 1, 2022
8:00 am - 8:45 am BST