The only way you are able to express and experience your Self – therefore your Love – is with others. And your family is a key foundation of your Life
We call this presence “Relationships”. And as you know, in energetic value what you focus on, you bring to life (it’s true!). Ultimately this is all that truly matters, in Life.
You, me and everyone else we know want to only focus on living in love, fulfilled. By unveiling the mysteries of inner Self, you bring back to Love anything else disparate, so that you can grow this, your love, touching everything moving forward as the only worthwhile value of Soul and your personal legacy of Light.
All relationships are karmic, and are aspects of the Flower of Life hologram that is joint Journey of Soul.
Here, your inner heart calls you to dive deep beyond emotional vulnerability and learned expectations into Unconditional Knowing Love, insight-feeling-knowing of who you are and have been to each other over many past lifetimes, to heal and grow All That Is love you have ever shared.