Here are your recordings from this amazing retreat together – beautiful transmission heart-to-heart from the Masters, sacred lineage of Teaching that transverses time and space from ancient times until Now that you’re sharing now with your communities.
You’re thorough, authentic, kind and compassionate, above all things you have a message that you’re sharing. Authentic Self now communicating Self in service of Love and Love of Service. Building confidence in your practice, visioning into actualisation.
Leadership of Light that is now your Practicing Lineage.
Now you are such an integral part of the experience of Spiritual Uplift, in turn it has become a part of you too..
You worked with Pure Energy. Opened your heart. Explored. Perceiving and Creating in a different way. With discernment.
Consistent attention to your given desires leads to choice for preferred outcome
Spirit in motion. Truth at core level.
Please step back into these magical moments. Review. Renew. Refresh. Love in motion.
Here. Now.