Spirit calls us to work deeper together using principles taken from the Cosmic Interdimensionality of the Human Chakra System, into family healing, and at a slighter faster rhythm.
By resolving the energetics of your family tree, you clear your own energy matrix from residual ancestor influence/s. These might include their hopes and fears, loves and losses, expectations and disappointments, celebrations and otherwise, that might be subtle, yet unrealised triggers, and in resultant harmonic open space you find yourself so much more open to Love.
We effect this in three stages, Energetic Memory Clearing as follows:
Layer 1. Sacred Lineage of Your Ancestors.
Layer 2. Flowering Your Current Family Tree.
Layer 3. Seeding Open Space for Descendants. Yours, Others and All That Is.
Connect to and expand your heart-felt soul vibration, Unconditional Love as the Energy of Creation, clearing further pathways to new potential and experiences that Spirit continually calls for in your everlasting Journey of Soul.
All in the Light of Love.