2024 Retreat Teachings – The Nazareine Wisdom Circle – I Am – Connected Light – Reflection in Cosmic Mirror

The Nazareine once again called us together in Retreat.

And what a Retreat!

Immersed together in All That is energy of Spirit, Love realised.

Laughter, listening and hearing. Looking and seeing. Intuition at forefront of Self in vehicle of Light, both subtle and material.

Always be blessed.

Thank you for joining us in this Circle of Joy.

One that transcends and therefore transports you to your highest good.

What many of you are now realising is that your highest good must also include and involve your shadow, because without which, you would have nothing to overcome, to know your own determination, your own strength.

All of you have had moments, maybe even lengthy periods of your shadow, all of which you have used as sounding boards and bouncing boards to take off, to stay in your Higher Light and because of this, all of you now know yourselves differently.

Last time, you were told you are already complete.

This time your acceptance of your completeness causes you all to spring forth, in the light that everything that you do from these moments is a now very deliberate choice, in association with Soul. All designed for you to know yourself as joy, very joyful.

Time now to focus on having fun, experiencing and sharing those very human parts of you. Spirit in material form is All That Is.

About Instructor

Anna Hughes

14 Progressions

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Progression Includes

  • 4 Modules