Sacred Woman Moon represents the female aspect of Spirit. Intensely primal, exotic, you explore yourself through material light to access that part of you that is pure feminine wisdom, aligned with both Nature and earth based conscious awareness. Sacred Mother, Earth Mother, Mother Nature – both inner and environmental – to plumb and express the depths of your essential Being.
Beloved Sacred Woman,
It is a Truth of the Universe that whatever you focus on, you grow.
And so, as always, our focus during this moontime sacred retreat is upon the Teachings of Light now stored in our inner heart. And activated as Wisdom, each woman in her own way, to continue such a trajectory.
You are called to Circle once again in feminine aspect of Spirit. Sacred Mother, Mother Nature, whichever calls to you here and now, continual strengthening of Intuition beyond what your senses would ordinarily permit as you delve deep into light and shadow of inner space and experiential external world.
Explore the depths of your body/ies and the power behind the feminine Life Force, the heartbeat of All birth.
Here, there is always freedom, beyond perceived illusionary boundary and sequencing of thought, concepts and ideas.
I Am.
And so it is….
Always Love. Ax
When you feel an inner call to step into Sacred Woman Moon Wisdom Circle, please contact Anna.