Sacred Woman Moon represents the female aspect of Spirit. Intensely primal, exotic, you explore yourself through material light to access that part of you that is pure feminine wisdom, aligned with both Nature and earth based conscious awareness. Sacred Mother, Earth Mother, Mother Nature – both inner and environmental – to plumb and express the depths of your essential Being.
Beloved Sacred Woman,
I Am is a sacred invocation to the Inner Universe, from which all things Source arises.
We’ve looked at the ancient wisdom that the universe is at the same time the sacred uterus which gestates Life from Source until it’s ready to birth into materiality.
As always, there are so very many layers to these understandings, most important to bring them through to practical actualisation in everyday life, Sacred Woman Walking the Wisdom Path.
We want to now take that next step, from the mysterious magic of Creation into now a deeper understanding of the symbolic purpose of menstrual blood which, from an ancient point of view, was thought to contain the life force energy. Men were amazed (and horrified too) not just in those far-off times, even now, that women could shed blood effortlessly and in seeming harmony with the moon cycle, often without pain, compared to the male experience of blood-shed!
The ancients also believed too that this blood was seemingly “retained” or “clotted” in the uterus of everywoman, to coagulate into a baby…..
And on a greater scale, it was also believed that Great Mother created Life in the cosmos in this manner, so as always, “As Above, So Below”, many fertility rites centred around this and the more earth-centred Mother Nature too.
In Victorian times, it was believed that any child conceived during menstration would be born with a caul, and would have occult powers (actually everyone is born with ‘occult’ powers, most people though are conditioned out of these soul memories at a very young age).
There are many other stories too, all of which would be wonderful to explore together.
Today, we start our deeper investigation of “Blood of Life”, all its connection with your inner cosmos and physical body. And anything, everything magical connected with All That Is the female aspect of Spirit.
Again, lots of vision work, value of intuitive uplift, releasing and returning to peace, harmony and Love through your Soul, knowing.
Looking forward, as always with Love, Anna x
If you’re not yet a member of Sacred Woman Moon Wisdom Circle, please contact Anna to discuss your journey in this Light.